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Does Tea Go Bad? And How Long Does Loose Leaf Tea Last?

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

Every tea enthusiast has probably come across this scenario. We are always interested in trying many different types of tea — we order it from various shops, bring it back from holidays, and even receive it as gifts from caring friends who are aware of our love for this magical drink.

And then one fine day, somewhere in our cupboard's depths, we might discover a specimen that got accidentally forgotten. Or perhaps it wasn't brewed in a timely matter. Well, it might be hard to keep track of every tea we have. But has it already gone bad?


Award Winning "Dragon Well" Long Jing Green Tea

"Dragon Well" Long Jing Green Tea

Does Tea Expire?

Unlike other foods and drinks, tea doesn't come with an expiry date on the label. Drinking older leaves won't give you a belly ache.  

Your leaves won't go bad. They'll just have lesser aroma, taste, or nutrients left. However, the rate at which it turns stale is different for each tea type

Another critical factor to note is proper storage. Naturally, your tea will go stale at a much faster rate if not stored properly. If you want it to have a longer shelf life, follow the steps for proper tea storage

Does Green Tea Go Bad?

Out of all tea types, green tea has the shortest shelf life because it is unoxidized. While we can be a little more lenient with storing our oxidized black teas, green ones have the most strict storage conditions. In fact, there are many fables that this is precisely why black tea was created — for the sake of having a tea that can survive long transportation. Back in the days in China, while most green teas were kept for local consumption, black teas were exported to faraway lands. That is, Europe and America.

Japanese green teas, in particular, have the shortest shelf life. Notice their deep green color? Like sencha and gyokuro. Also, the very fresh, very grassy scent? That is one of the direct signs of how fresh they are. And with such freshness comes great responsibility.


The shelf life of Japanese green tea can be prolonged by storing it in the fridge before opening. However, once you have opened it (the tea should be allowed to come to room temperature before opening after refrigeration to avoid condensation, which can damage the tea), it should be stored in a dark, dry, and ideally cool place. Outside of the fridge.


We recommend drinking Japanese green teas within 6 months. By keeping them in the fridge before opening, you can prolongе their shelf life by an extra 6 months. You will quickly notice its freshness deteriorating, so we recommend drinking it shortly after opening. It is better to purchase Japanese green teas in smaller quantities. Read more on Japanese tea storage here


You can tell your loose leaf Japanese tea has 'gone bad' by the lack of a fresh grassy smell and slightly dull leaves, which are losing their green vibrancy. When brewed, the color will be darker and brownish.


do tea leaves go bad


Does Loose Tea Go Bad?

Next in line are lightly oxidized oolongs, which are also relatively fresh, although partially oxidized. Please drink light oolongs within 2 years.

Dark oolongs and black teas have a shelf life of about 3 years, after which the taste and aromatic qualities start fading. If you smell your black tea and the aroma is weak, chances are it has "expired".

But! If stored properly, oxidized oolongs can age well! Aged oolongs last a long time. Just make sure to maintain proper storage conditions and taste tea every so often to see how the taste is transforming. Is it becoming better and smoother, or worse? 

White teas are a special breed altogether, being the least processed and closest to the original leaf.

There is a saying in Chinese: "one-year tea, three-year medicine, and seven-year treasure."

For many years white tea has been considered a medicine in China. Stored properly, it will serve a fulfilling life. The taste and properties will become noticeably rounded with age. When buying loose leaf white tea, don't be afraid to purchase large amounts. You can divide it in half. One part for enjoying in the present, the other — stored for future enjoyment. We recommend keeping a tea journal and noting how it transforms. Brew it after one year, after three, then after seven. What changes do you notice? Pay close attention to the aroma, taste, mouthfeel, and how it makes you feel.

silver needle white tea

Our Silver Needle White Tea

What Can I Do With Expired Tea Leaves?

Just because the leaves are not as tasty anymore doesn't mean they have to be discarded. There are still some uses to expired tea!

  • Slightly stale tea can still be brewed but may require adjustments in brewing time or temperature to extract better flavor.

  • Use the leaves as odor absorbers. Useful in the kitchen, fridges, storage areas, or bathrooms.

  • Use the leaves in your garden as fertilizer. Even expired leaves still hold a bit of nutrients, which is useful for our plants!

Have a problem with expired teas? Buy pu-erh! Bought in large quantities, pu-erh is fantastic both for drinking fresh and aging! Read more about aging pu-erh here.

When Does Tea Expire? (The 4 Signs) 

  1. The leaves have no smell.
  2. The taste is dull.
  3. The color of the leaves is no longer vibrant. That means gray for darker teas and yellowish for green ones.
  4. The brew is weak, the color is not bright nor deep.