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Everyone's Favorite Scented Tea: Jasmine Tea

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

The Great Emperor of China loved the scent of jasmine. Yet the life of these flowers is fleeting! So he decided to go summon the wise tea master Lao Cha:

— Tell me, sensei, how can I enjoy the wonderful aroma of jasmine year-round?

The wise master had an answer:

— As usual, pick the tea leaves in Spring. Save them until summertime when the jasmine in Fujian province starts to bloom. Await nightfall, when the gentle jasmine flower blossoms, and leave it alone with the tea leaves. Allow for them to seep into one another. Year-round you will be able to rejoice in the scent of jasmine while enjoying the tea. In addition, your body will be grateful for the tea’s wonderful healing qualities.


What Kind of Tea is Jasmine Tea?

Jasmine tea is scented with jasmine flowers or jasmine flavor. The most common type of jasmine tea is jasmine green tea. If you ever see a label that says “jasmine tea”, chances are it’s jasmine green tea and not solely the actual jasmine flowers. Although rare, jasmine black, white, dark and oolong teas also exist.


best jasmine teaOur Award Winning Jasmine Dragon Pearls Green Tea

This enthralling tea has a sheer scale of quality. Jasmine in and of its own is a flower with a particularly mesmerizing strong aroma. Have you ever smelled wild jasmine? If you have, then you probably know that the smell of a small jasmine bush can effortlessly envelop an entire area in its sweet sap.

Albeit sometimes we’ve come across jasmine teas where the smell nearly nauseates. These teas often happen to be flavored with jasmine and not infused through the delicate process that true jasmine tea requires.


When buying jasmine tea, make sure the ingredients include nothing but the tea leaf, and in some cases, the flowers. No flavoring should be present.

How is Jasmine Tea Made

The process of making jasmine tea is quite laborious and requires many moons of sophisticated technique.

First, the tea leaves are harvested in early spring and kept until late summer when the fresh jasmine flowers start to bloom. The flowers get picked at dawn while the small petals are tightly closed. During the night the jasmine flowers begin to open up, freeing their sublime fragrance. At this time the tea gets scented.


Our Award Winning Jasmine (Jin Ya) Black Tea

The flowers are mixed with the dry tea leaves and left to infuse for about five hours. Afterwards the flowers are removed, and the tea is left for a few days to dry.

This process is repeated for a total of six times, each time using new and fresh jasmine flowers. 


Overall it takes one month to produce a high-quality jasmine tea, and just one pound of it requires four pounds of jasmine flowers and a significant amount of labor.

For lesser quality jasmine teas the left-over flowers from the above method are used for scenting the tea leaves. Although this tea is not as exquisite as the above mentioned one, it is still far better than purchasing artificially flavored tea.

Fujian province is known for its high-quality jasmine and as being the birthplace of fine jasmine teas. Walking into a home in Fujian province one will often be greeted with a hot cup of this aromatic beverage. We are proud to source our jasmine teas from Fujian.

Jasmine Tea Benefits

Jasmine tea is favored for its influence on our health. The health benefits of jasmine tea in large come from the benefits of the tea leaf itself. However those who have smelled jasmine before know of this flower’s unique ability to put us in an elevated mood and relax our nerves.